Areca Palm

Dypsis lutescens is a perennial tropical plant. Multiple cane-like stems emerge from the base, creating a vase-like shape. Dypsis lutescens is a popular, low-maintenance houseplant. If grown indoors, plant in a well-drained potting soil in a pot that has adequate drainage holes. The size of the pot should be twice the size of the root ball. Repotting may be necessary every 2-3 years, and size of the pot should only increase 3-4 inches compared to the size of the old pot. Ensure the plant is placed in an area with bright, indirect sunlight. It will thrive near a window where light is filtered, but will struggle if placed in the path of direct sun, which may cause scorching or yellowing of the foliage. If grown in areas with extreme temperatures.

  • Small - ₹200/-
  • Medium - ₹250/-
  • Large - ₹350/-
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